Issues On Food-Borne Diseases /Illnesses
By Mr. Winfried Scheewe
German Development Service, CEDAC Marketing AdviserWinfried Scheewe, DED, Marketing Consultant to CEDAC discussed about food-borne illnesses in terms of its definition, effect and impact, transmittal, and origination (from and through food). He also discussed its causes (fungal spoilage, pesticide residues, industrial chemicals, bactria) and symptoms. He enumarated the major food-borne illnesses (such as salmonella and e-coli)and common problems of food-borne diseases.
He noted that the looming climate change will probably worsen some problems, such as higher temperature and moisture and more flooding and extended droughts due to polluted water, which may lead to new problems with food-borne diseases. In conclusion, Mr. Scheewe cited Dr. Lederberg who said, “Microorganisms are opponents with whom we cannot race on their terms.” The best we can do, he said, is to try to avoid conditions in which harmful microbes can develop.
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